
Week 10 & 11: Chaos

I am exhausted now...It is almost midnight but I have no idea about when I can go to sleep.
About Week 10, all I remember is the quiz about big-Oh expression. That is fairly simple I would say. And about Week 11, totally nothing.
The reason is simple: I went to USA for a short trip during the weekend of week 10, which is connected to the Fall Break on Nov 17 and 18. I was supposed to arrive in Toront on Tuesday by bus, but I was stuck by the blizzard around Buffalo.
That was terrible. We were stuck five days. I just arrived in Toronto yesterday afternoon. And I have been busy on everything I missed this week: lectures, assignments, and even a test.
Hopefully, I can write this blog as usual next week, or more than usual, given that next week will be terrifically harsh for me. I have one assignment due tonight which I have just finished, one for tomorrow afternoon, one quiz for tomorrow night, another assignment due on Tuesday, a term test on Wednesday and another two assignments due on Thursday and Friday. God bless me.

